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January, Imbolc & More...

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

January, Imbolc & More... - Ask The #MagickMan Justin Arnold

The month of January is a time for renewal and reflection. Following Yule in December, the end of January is associated with the Wiccan sabbat of Imbolc, which is a celebration of the coming of spring and the goddess Brigid. Imbolc is a time for purification and renewal, and is often marked with rituals and ceremonies centered around the themes of setting intentions, rejuvenation, cleansing, and rebirth. It is also a time to honor the Goddess and to celebrate the return of the sun in the days to come. More importantly, this is a crucial time in igniting your inner flame! Aligning yourself with the intentions of the new year, setting goals and markers for the days ahead, asking for guidance to choose the next steps to take, tuning back into your inner voice, and answering so many more defining inner questions. The winter is part of this journey inward during the "darker" months of the year. In the emotions of December, we leave behind old wants and worries, leaving the energy of the year contained within itself, and onto the next one. As we celebrate another year, the winter months also have a tendency to remind us of all we must let go of, release, and leave behind. We strive ahead with what may even be a small part of ourselves, but this light, be it just a spark, carries us onward. January to February is a time to fuel this spark, this inner flame and frequency. To "fan the flames" with the energy and warmth the Goddess Brigid and the coming spring invites into our lives, and the continued turning of the wheel.


Goddess Brigid courtesy of Wikipedia

In addition to honoring Brigid, January is also a good time to honor Goddesses of the hearth and home, such as Hestia and Vesta. These deities are associated with the concepts of domesticity and the life of the home, and are often invoked for protection, security, and harmony within the home.

To honor these deities and celebrate Imbolc, consider creating an altar or sacred space in your home. This could include symbols of Brigid, Hestia, or Vesta, such as candles, incense, and any other items that feel meaningful to you. You could also offer up small gifts, offerings, food, or tokens and talismans dedicated to your chosen Divine, spend time in meditation or prayer, or incorporate elements associated with these deities into your daily life.

Here is a table of the objects, flowers, herbs, colors, and offerings that are associated with

each of the goddesses mentioned:








Candles, incense, keys, hearth or home-related items

Lilies, white roses, violets​

Frankincense, myrrh, rosemary

White, gold

​Food and drink (particularly baked goods and warm beverages), incense, candles, flowers


Candles, incense, hearth or home-related items

​Lilies, white roses, violets

Frankincense, myrrh, rosemary

​Red, white

​Food and drink (particularly baked goods and warm beverages), incense, candles, flowers


​Candles, incense, lamps or torches, wells or springs, Brigid's Cross

​Daffodils, primroses, snowdrops

​Basil, bay, marjoram

​White, yellow, Green, Red,

Gold, Silver

​Food and drink (particularly milk and dairy products), incense, candles, flowers

Imbolc is a sabbat in the Wiccan faith that is celebrated on February 1st. It marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, and is a time of renewal and the coming of spring.

Keep in mind that these are just some general associations, and what you choose to use to honor these goddesses will depend on your own personal preferences and what feels meaningful to you.


In addition to these specific practices, the month of January is also a good time for personal growth and goal-setting. Take some time for introspection and self-reflection, and consider setting intentions or making resolutions for the year ahead. Engage in practices such as meditation, journaling, or yoga to help set a positive and grounded tone for the year ahead.

Overall, the month of January is a time for renewal, introspection, and honoring the goddesses and gods of the hearth and home. By incorporating these practices into your life, you can start the year off on a positive and nourishing note.

Capricorn Coin courtesy of WikiPedia

In terms of astrology, January is associated with the sign of Capricorn (December 22 - January 19th). Those born under this sign are said to be responsible, disciplined, and hardworking. The planet Saturn is also closely associated with Capricorn, and those influenced by this planet are said to be practical, reliable, and grounded.

There are also many other spiritual traditions and belief systems that have significant dates in January. For example, Epiphany is celebrated by Christians on January 6th as the day the three wise men visited Jesus. Lohri is a festival celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs on January 13th, and Australia Day is a national holiday in Australia on January 26th.

No matter what your spiritual or astrological beliefs may be, the month of January is a time for renewal and new beginnings. Take some time to honor the deities that resonate with you, set goals and intentions for the year ahead, and engage in practices that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

In terms of magical practices, the month of January is a good time to focus on spells related to new beginnings, goal setting, and personal growth. This could include spells to help manifest your desires, attract abundance and prosperity, or increase your motivation and focus.

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto :

SIMPLE SNOWFLAKE WISH SPELL If you find yourself in need of "energetic assistance" out in the snow this January. Look to the sky, open your arms with palms outstretched, and as the snowflakes hit your face, recite the following aloud or to yourself. "Snowflake, snowflake, glittered wish

Falling gently, heart abliss

As each one falls, my spirit renews

Bringing hope for what's yet to choose

On this snowy day, renewed and bright

My desire for a new beginning takes flight." -- Justin Arnold The "Magick Man" In that moment, admire the quiet and stillness the winter brings, the warmth of your heart in your chest, and as you think or say these words aloud, imagine waves of these words passing from each and every snowflake falling around you. Word travels fast through water in whatever form, so do not take this spell lightly. And be mindful of what you are wishing for leading up to this spell. Soon enough, the snow will deliver a gust and burst of energy, pay attention to where it leads you! It may just guide you to something you may want to add to your list in 2023!


Consider incorporating crystals and stones into your spells and rituals during this time, as they can help to amplify your intentions and support your goals. Some crystals that may be particularly helpful during this time include citrine (for abundance), carnelian (for motivation), and amethyst (for clarity and focus).

You may also want to consider incorporating herbs and plants into your spells and rituals. Herbs such as basil, bay, and marjoram can be used for manifestation and goal-setting at this time, while lavender and chamomile can help to promote relaxation and introspection.

Remember, the most important thing when it comes to magic is to focus on your intentions and to trust in the natural rhythms of the universe, as well as your innate spiritual POWER! As you work with the energies of the month of January, keep an open mind and let your intuition guide you as you set goals and intentions for the year ahead!

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My name is Justin Arnold, but most of my #Witchigan friends just call me The Magick Man! I am a psychic, tarot reader, artist, creative director, incense maker, and educator here in Magickal Michigan! #MagickMan #AskTheMagickMan

To follow along in all the magickal nonsense, visit my website @

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